lititz institute

Enhancing and Assisting Your Spiritual Development


Through our events, videos, and literature we will help the church of the Lord Jesus Christ to grow toward Spiritual Maturity.

our method

We accomplish our vision by providing written and audiovisual material to help you in these 5 areas

1. Help people understand Biblical explanations of how we are structured and made to function simultaneously in two completely different realms, our psychology, anatomy, and physiology.

2. Help people understand the attractiveness and the desirability of coming into a close relationship with God to fulfill their life purposes for which they were created, even before the worlds were made.

3. Answer all questions about the enormous change one will potentially experience after receiving the second birth, and to equip people with knowledge of the biblical growth processes to achieve spiritual realm maturity.

4. Equip people through resources and mentoring for taking their role as mature and spiritually powerful citizens of God’s kingdom with delegated power to rule in the spiritual kingdom.

5. Equip people for establishing spiritual realm works during this part of life which will continue into the eternal future and ages to come.

our beliefs


We believe that the Scriptures in their autographa are the literal, inspired Word of God. The Holy Spirit inspired men such that they all used their own language and expressions, but the result is as if God had dictated them. There is no error in them, and they are sufficient for faith and practice.


We believe in the eternal triune God —God, the Father; God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit.


We believe that God created the heavens and the earth, including man, and that His creation was very good.


Man by a free will act, chose to disobey God; He thus pronounced a curse on all creation—this includes sin, disease, and death. This curse has caused an unbridgeable chasm between God and man.


God, the Son, named Jesus, was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life. The doctrine “The Hypostatic Union” states that Jesus is “undiminished deity and full humanity united in one Person, without confusion, forever.” He willingly gave His life, with His undeserved punishment substituting for man’s deserved penalty, thus providing atonement for sin. He died on the cross then was raised again on the third day, ascended into heaven, and is seated on the right hand of the Father.


God offers as a free gift eternal life to those who put their trust in Jesus’ atonement. This is a free gift of grace; we can do nothing to earn or deserve it.

holy spirit

God, the Holy Spirit, convicts man of sin and draws him to God. He indwells all who have accepted God’s gift of salvation.

the church

The Church was born on the day of Pentecost, ten days after Jesus’ ascension. It is made up of Jews and Gentiles, with the Gentiles being grafted into the olive tree which is composed of Jews in its natural form. The Church has been commissioned to go into the entire world to preach the Gospel and to teach the nations.

christ's return

Toward the end of this age Jesus will receive His church (His bride) in heaven where the marriage supper of the Lamb will occur. During this period, God will return in His dealings to Israel and fulfill His promises to her. Following this period, Jesus will return to the earth with His saints to set up His kingdom. He will rule for 1000 years, after which Satan will be defeated finally.

eternal state

He will then bring in the eternal state — with those who have believed in His name spending eternity in His presence and with those who have rejected him spending eternity in the lake of fire and separated from God eternally.

Lititz Founded in 1756 Photo

our history

The beginning

Lititz, Pennsylvania was founded by Count Nicholas Ludwig Von Zinzendorf, a founder of the modern Moravian Church, in 1755 when he accepted a land grant from John and Anna Klein of 491 acres. Lititz was named after a castle in North Eastern Bohemia used successfully as a refuge where early Moravian followers of martyred John Hus successfully sheltered in 1456.

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